
Ayurveda is the knowledge of life and how to keep human beings happy in their body, mind and heart.

In Ayurveda, optimal health is achieved through the harmonious balance of subtle body energies, efficient digestive fire, well-functioning body tissues and excretory functions along with a content mind, pleasurable senses, and a tranquil heart.

The Pancha Mahabhutas: the 5 great elements

Human beings have a unique blue print at the time of conception in their mother’s womb, this is called Prakruti, a unique combination of: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth elements.

The 5 elements are outside of us, in the nature, plants, animals, and we have them inside of us as they govern each person’s physical appearance, physiological functions, food preferences, emotional and mental states.

The Doshas

Ayurveda has grouped the 5 energies into 3 types of "Doshas" / People: VATA type of people, having more Air and Ether elements, PITTA with higher Fire and Water energies and KAPHA type of people with increased Earth and Water elements.

Understanding your Dosha mix and all it entails is understanding your unique guide of yourself.
Ayurveda doshas
Only an Ayurvedic practitioner can precisely determine a client’s Prakruti.
You start to understand yourself and are able to differentiate between YOU in a balanced state of energies and YOU in a decay state of health. Ayurveda gives you the keys to bring back yourself into a balanced state…

The beginning of troubles

It is part of nature to change, so a person’s Prakruti will change overtime due to changes in age, climate, food, lifestyle, emotional and mental states.

If the 5 basic elements of a person change too much, and they cross an acceptable line, the person is in a state of imbalance called Vikruti.

The body and mind will start to show signs and symptoms of discomforts, and if they are ignored and could not be correlated to a cause and re-balanced, disease will manifest overtime.
How does an Ayurvedic practitioner work
Determine the Vikruti
all the signs and symptoms that the person is showing as main health deviations and imbalances
Understand client
sleep, eating, digestion and toilet habits, general energy levels, work stress, exercise and movement, relaxation, relationships and sexual life
Determine the cause of imbalances
Nidhana, without dissolving the causes of the issues, the symptoms will always come back and no relief can be found
Determine the Prakruti
i.e. the person’s original mix of 5 elements and where it should tend to
Suggest personalised corrections
personalised nutrition, natural herbal supplements to support the main body systems, natural oils, lifestyle changes, emotional and mental rebalancing activities
Follow up with client
on implementation and results and fine tune
Join me and discover this beautiful Art of Living to help you and perhaps your family too!

Holistic Art of Life

Ayurveda is a truly holistic and personalised science because it looks at all areas of your life to determine the cause of your health issues. Managing an "ill with a pill" is unfortunately not enough.

Keep in mind that: no treatment in Ayurveda will be similar in exact terms for 2 different people, simply because they don’t have the same mix of the 5 subtle elements and imbalances. Although they can present seemingly similar signs.

It is much more subtle than that!

The 5 stages

Before Samprapti—the disease—is installed, there are 4 stages that can take years to develop and are opportunities to stop the disease progression.

An Ayurvedic practitioner will determine in which phase the client is and solve the Nidhana (first stage) as quickly as possible.
  • 1
    The cause of the imbalance
  • 2
    Purva Rupa
    The pre-signs and symptoms of the imbalance
  • 3
    The actual signs and symptoms of the imbalance
  • 4
    All methods used to stop the disease progression
  • 5
    The disease is installed and difficult to dislodge